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Power BI project management dashboards
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Create attention-grabbing dashboards for project management
In the project department, you work with some of the most valuable data in your organisation. But it needs to be structured, updated and accessible. To make the most of your data, your organisation needs a tool that can visualise and share data safely and effortlessly.
The tool you need is Power BI.
Be inspired by our Power BI examples and start creating your own attention-grabbing dashboards.
1. Visualise your business' key numbers
There are a multitude of ways to visualise your business' KPIs.
In this KPI dashboard, data from both sales, recording of hours and project data are compiled to make it possible to calculate and visualise a number of key figures.

2. Sales data in the project department
Staying ahead of the occupancy rate of your employees’ competencies can be a struggle.
So if you’re looking for a way to produce databased forecasts, why not look at the data from your sales team? It requires up-to-date data from the sales department, but an updated project pipeline is very valuable to your planning.
This dashboard collects data from Orbit CRM, which is the preferred CRM tool for several of our clients.

3. The presentation dashboard
Show off your worldwide active projects with a dashboard that lets management follow your results and motivates the project team.

4. Optimal overview for documented authorisation procedures
Authorisation procedures can seem like an impossible task. The engineer's calculations and the architect's drawings must have documented authorisation before production can begin - but how do you keep track of it?
In Orbit Project Planning, we've gathered a series of metadata and created an overview that ensures documented authorisation of the process.

5. Avoid delays because of supply chain shortage
Don’t be caught out by insufficient production check lists. Use a status overview with BOM check lists and a project start date to stay on top of things.
This dashboard compiles meta data into check lists from the Project Planning tool, gives you optimal overview of your supply chain, and makes it possible for you to be proactive and avoid delayed production.

Want to know how to get startet with your Power BI project management dashboard?
Orbit Power BI plugin