Replay the unveil of Orbit 7.0
We are thrilled to show you the demonstration by our Client Manager, Anders Dyrholm, who will be showcasing the exciting new features in Orbit.
35 minutes
Release date
September 2023
Replay of the Orbit 7.0 demonstration
Even more features of Orbit 7.0
Allow synchronizing of sub directories
Previously only full folder structures could be synchronized within Orbit, which meant that you would need to sync an entire project or the whole Orbit Drive. However some Orbit clients were experiencing difficulties, because some projects would include hundreds of gigabytes of data, making it very hard to store on a normal computer. Therefore we've created the possibility to only sync sub-folders, meaning users only have to sync the data they actually need.
Skills & Certification dashboard
Our whole competence module has gotten an overhaul with the new Orbit 7.0. One of the major changes is a brand new competence dashboard for managing courses, certificates, expirations, and renewals. Another new dashboard feature is the possibility of defining not only how long a certificate is valid for, but also when a renewal is needed. A new notification feature has also been included, which allows for managers to get notified on a user defined date, in relation to a specific competence. If for example a certificate renewal can only be ordered three months in advance, then you can set a timer for three months before the certificate is due for renewal.
Redesign of the CRM
The CRM has received an interface overhaul, providing it with a much better overview, new colors, buttons, drop downs etc. to provide a better overall user experience
Streamlined overviews
We have standardised all Orbit overviews to ensure consistent features and visual presentations across the entire platform. This also facilitates the addition of new features in upcoming versions.
Better support for long reference names
Previously, overly long reference names could compromise the interface's usability or make it appear broken. Now, the length of the reference name no longer affects usability or design.
Create your own token for PowerBI
PowerBI has quickly become a very important tool for many Orbit users and therefore it is now possible for users to create PowerBi tokens, without Orbit staff getting involved. It is done from the Devices tab within the config menu (top right corner).
Comment on specific competences
We have also created a new logging system allowing competence managers to make notes and comments on specific compentences for specific people. For example "Notify John and his manager 2 weeks before he needs recertification, so he can get time off."
Less duplicated companies and contacts in CRM
Many Orbit clients import companies and collaboration partners from other systems. This saves a lot of time, but can also cause problems. Many older ERP systems does not have a consistent way of identifying data. Thereby duplicates are unfortunately quite common. Since we can't just fix the source system, we've built a new method of allowing a user to merge multiple companies and contacts into one, while maintaining data integrity from the import.
Current resource capacity is now only one click away
The new pane provides a unique overview of, on one hand, how many resources you need to successfully project execution and on the other hand, how many people you still need to assign to make it happen. This is all divided into work centers or professional groups, ensuring that you will get the right people for the job. Additionally, a detailed report of unassigned tasks, with the possibility to assign and an overview of the current capacity, is only one click away.
Add roles to companies
You can now explicitly define a company's role in the Orbit CRM module. This will ensure a better overview and management of various external company relationships, such as customers, suppliers, and collaboration partners. A single company can assume multiple roles - for instance, acting as a customer in one project and a supplier for another.
Edit master language on imported CVs & references
Orbit operates with what we call a 'Master language' for CVs and references. This is the primary language and the one we use as a so-called 'fallback' if translations are missing. For this to work, imported references and CVs were previously assigned a master language, based on a setting in the import. However this caused some problems when for example 10% of the staff needed a different master language for their CVs. This have let us to build a feature where the user is asked to select a master language the first time they edit the CV or reference.
Notifications when profiles with a specific competence resign
Sometimes it's important to know if someone with a specific competence resigns. You might need to bring another employee up to their skill level, or you need someone else with a security certificate with for example the police or military. In such a case, it's quite common that the company will also need to inform the authorities. However, with our new feature, it is now possible to define that the ones responsible should be notified if anyone with a specific competence resigns.
New resource management interface
The new interface, which has been experimental for some time, is now stable and enabled for everyone.
Add additional related sales activities to a project
It is now possible to add additional related sales activities to a project, in addition to the existing primary sales activity. This is valuable in complex sales processes where the customer might not always be known from the start (i.e., you are working with multiple potential developers) or you need to keep track of many sales activities in order to win the project.
Structure contacts easier than ever
The ultimate solution for handling and structuring stakeholder contacts – strengthens cooperation through easy and efficient communication.
Do you prefer a personal Orbit tour?
The list of new Orbit features goes on and on. If you wish to see what Orbit specifically can do for your business in terms of optimising and streamlining processes, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’ll set up a demo with your needs and wishes in focus and we’ll match you with the right Orbit solution that will for sure blow your mind.
Just fill out the form and begin your own Orbit adventure!

Anders Dyrholm
- Address
Aabogade 25
8200 Aarhus N
- Phone
- +45 7734 4539
- contact@orbit.online